Thursday, May 14, 2009


Similar to the religious reference and defying God, I thought that the theme of life an death was similar to the story Everyman. I remember the story from last year and one particular theme it had. It was something like "Death waits for no one" and I feel that there is a similarity between the two stories. In Everyman, the man is about to die and is approach by Death who gives him a few more hours to collect himself and what he intends to bring to the after-life with him. In the time before the man dies, he reflects upon his life and look to see what he can take with him that will help him get into heaven. He realizes that he cannot bring his knowledge with him, his material possessions, or his beauty. Eventually he repents his sins and is able to bring his good deeds with him to heaven. I see the similarities in that Victor creates the monster (Death) and he vows eternal vengeance on Victor (especially after Victor destroys the female monster). Since Victor has now been targeted for death, he must collect what he can take with him to the after life. The murder of Henry, William, Elizabeth, his father, and others represents the things he cannot take with him (Elizabeth = beauty, Henry = knowledge). Victor tries to repent his sins by vowing to destroy the monster. However, the stories end differently in that the Everyman makes it to heaven while Victor's fate is unknown.

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